Search results

  1. charlestonfish

    Pygmy Angel is ill...

    I've had my coral beauty in qt tank for two weeks treating for what I thought was ich. I've lowered salinity to 1.09 and treating w/ copper. Fish is acting perfectly normal. Eats and doesn't appear sick except for cauliflower looking knobs on fins and a couple on body. Is there anything more...
  2. charlestonfish

    Do water changes dilute copper in QT?

    Set up a 20 gallon QT on 1/12 for Coral Beauty w/ ich. Followed directions setting up QT per the site. Seeded tank w/ gravel from main tank and used half water from main tank. Added copper treatment and CB on 1/13. Tested for ammonia and nitrates on 1/15 and 1/16. Since new tank there has...
  3. charlestonfish

    Shrimp mix

    What about camel shrimp and cleaner shrimp? Any problems mixing those types. I have two camel and would like to add a cleaner. Tank is 46 gallon. tks
  4. charlestonfish

    Freshwater bath for treatment of ich?

    LFS recommended it for fish that are less expesive and no qt tank. Anyone ever tried it? Said to put fish in freshwater w/ same temp and ph for 20 minutes. This will kill/knock off any ich parasites. Obviously stress on fish could result in death but she said they had good results w/ clown...
  5. charlestonfish

    Ich on 6 line wrasse?

    Tank has 6 turbo snails, 2 camel shrimp, 3 red leg hermits. I was thinking about taking them back to LFS and treating tank w/ copper med. I do have 25 lbs of live rock and cc bottom. Will the copper kill off the live rock? the 6 line is eating and is active. Hard to tell if it has white...
  6. charlestonfish

    Ich on 6 line wrasse?

    Just got a Six line wrasse who may have ich. Don't have a digi for pictures. Fish has an abbrasion and fins appear to be chewed from previous aggressor. Seems like a few small white specks but hard to tell b/c fish always moving/ hiding. What's the cost of a quarantine tank? Tank is 7 mos...
  7. charlestonfish

    White specs on back of tank glass?

    My tank has pin sized dots all over the back of the tank. They cover the back of the glass. I don't scrub the algae off the back. What are they? Tank is 7 months old. I can scrub it off but it's a pain.
  8. charlestonfish

    Different kinds of starfish????

    It ate a royal gramma I bought but hasn't messed w/ anything else. I've been hand feeding it once a week. Seen some call them green brittle stars but lfs called it green serpent star. Is there a difference. It's arms are probably 8-10 inches from one tip to the other. Any more info?
  9. charlestonfish

    Different kinds of starfish????

    46 gallon bow front w/ cc, 20 lbs lr maroon clown firefish 2 camel shrimp 3 red leg hermits 6 turbo snails large green serpent star Take has been up and running for 6 mths Water parameters are right on. Tks for info.
  10. charlestonfish

    Different kinds of starfish????

    I have a green serpent star but would like to add a different kind of starfish to 46 gallon bow front. Any suggestions or info?
  11. charlestonfish

    Coral Beauty

    I want to add an dwarf angel to my tank. Anyone have success w/ coral beaty? They seem reasonably priced. Gold Stripped Maroon Clown Firefish 3 Red-legged hermits 2 camel shrimp green serpent star 46 gallon tank, 6 months old
  12. charlestonfish

    Serpent Star ate my Royal Gramma!!!

    Green serpent star. Tank is 6 months old. All parameters are perfect. Royal Gramma seemed healthy. I only had it for about a week. It was eating and no physical ailments. Maroon clown didn't attack it. Oh well. Might try a six-line wrasse next.
  13. charlestonfish

    Serpent Star ate my Royal Gramma!!!

    Mine didn't look quite that big but don't know when the feast happened. I've got a couple camel shrimp that haven't been touched. Should I feed the star more?
  14. charlestonfish

    Serpent Star ate my Royal Gramma!!!

    Got home from work and royal gramma gone. Serpent star's disc was twice as big. It didn't eat at all last night. Anyone had this happen. RG was in perfect condition. Thoughts???
  15. charlestonfish

    Cherub angels info

    Anyone had one of these? Comments? Info?
  16. charlestonfish

    What should I get next?

    Tank is 6 mos old. Wanted to add two more fish w/o overcrowding tank. Any info on Lemon Peel angels?
  17. charlestonfish

    What should I get next?

    I have a 46 gallon bow front. Fish- Royal Gramma, Maroon Clown Inverts- Serpent Star, 2 camel shrimp, 3 scarlet hermits, 6 turbo snails and 1 emerald crab I'd like some type of angel and maybe a six line wrasse. Would that be too many fish?