Search results

  1. robb & cindy

    Frags/Corals For Sale

    Does anyone out there have any frags or corals for sale? If so please e-mail me at Thanks!!
  2. robb & cindy

    Calcium Reactor

    Do you mind if I ask how much? And where is the best place to get it?
  3. robb & cindy

    Acropora/SPS Frags

    We are looking for some Acropora or SPS frags. Anyone have any for sale?
  4. robb & cindy

    Calcium Reactor

    We're thinking about adding a Calcium Reactor to our 120 gallon reef. Any suggestions on which is best? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. robb & cindy

    120 Gallon Tank For Sale in Michigan

    Its the tank (about 1 year old), stand, hang-on overflow box, and U-tube. We are asking $250.00. We are located about 20 miles south of Lansing. If you want further info you can also e-mail us at
  6. robb & cindy

    120 Gallon Tank For Sale in Michigan

    We have a 120 Gallon Tank for sale here in Michigan. Anyone interested?
  7. robb & cindy

    EcoSystem Filters/Leng Systems

    I am intersted in any experience or opinions on the EcoSystem Filters/Leng Systems. I am thinking about converting to one but was hoping someone could help with opinions or experiences.
  8. robb & cindy

    EcoSystem Filters/Leng Systems

    I am intersted in any experience or opinions on the EcoSystem Filters/Leng Systems. I am thinking about converting to one but was hoping someone could help with opinions or experiences.
  9. robb & cindy

    Looking for 90-180 GAL in Michigan

    We live in Charlotte MI about 15 minutes south of Lansing. We do have the cabinet-type stand. We want $300.00 for both the tank and the stand. Robb & Cindy
  10. robb & cindy

    Looking for 90-180 GAL in Michigan

    We have a 120 gallon for sale if you are interested.