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  1. trueheart

    What is your longest lived?

    sailfin tang for about 3 years now.
  2. trueheart

    Filter Question

    Looks like i will be going with the 330 bio wheel since i can get it for $20 bucks and i plan on putting it on a 30gallon and 75 for extra filteration. thank everyone who responed to my post. I just love this place.:D :) :D
  3. trueheart

    which power filter

    I will look into it.
  4. trueheart

    which power filter

    Im looking for two power filters. One for a 30 gallon tank (as the only filter) and another for 75 gallon (used for extra mech. filtration). I would like them to both be the same type of filter so i can i only have to buy one type of filter.
  5. trueheart

    Filter Question

    ok i have one more question to throw at you. what do think about the Tetra Tec PF 150 compared to thoughs two.
  6. trueheart

    Filter Question

    Does anyone know the differece between the Penguin Bio-Wheel 330 and the Emperor 400 BIO-Wheel Filter.:confused:
  7. trueheart

    Which Protein Skimmer???

    It’s for a 75gallon tank now but I would like something that I could use on a larger tank if I ever upgrade. Also I do have a sump so I would prefer to use it in the sump. The only reason I have the prizm is because I had a smaller tank with no sump and the cost of it at the time.
  8. trueheart

    Which Protein Skimmer???

    What is the best protein skimmer out there? I’m looking for a skimmer that is extremely quiet. I have a prizm that is way to noisy.:)
  9. trueheart

    lighting question

    What is the best white light specturm for a 75 gallon reef tank. Also they will be 2 96 watt lights with 2 96watt actinic blues.
  10. trueheart

    enough light for a fuge

    I have a correction to make it is a 15watt plant and aquarium light. I also left the lights on 24/7. the grape was only about a foot long should i have still cut it back?
  11. trueheart

    enough light for a fuge

    I have a 20 watt light for my 5 gallon refuge is that enough light to grow the macro algae. I had some grape caulerpa in there but it all turned white and died. Was this beacuse of the light. I have great coraline algae growth in there, the thing is almost purple. :confused:
  12. trueheart

    Does anyone know about Starfish splicing?

    I had a starfish that my roommate took and cut in half, because the guy at the LFS said it would grow another starfish. Also he said it would grow back in about a 3 months. My roommate said the starfish was hard and he had to saw through it with a knife. Well I had them for over a year and had...
  13. trueheart


    So how has it worked?:confused:
  14. trueheart

    Is this a good for a refuge

    Does anyone know if this will work in a refuge. Or has anyone used the GE Sunshine Full Spectrum 15watt fluorescent lamp to light there refuge. It says it simulates noonday summer sun. Avg. initial lumems 620. Color temp. 5000 K. I would like to know because if it doesnt i will take it back.
  15. trueheart

    refuge light????

  16. trueheart

    refuge light????

    Has anyone used the GE Sunshine Full Spectrum 15watt fluorescent lamp to light there refuge. It says it simulates noonday summer sun. Avg. initial lumems 620. Color temp. 5000 K. If you havent used this bulb, do you think it will work for a refuge?:confused:
  17. trueheart

    Will Sakrete "Premium Grade Play Sand" Work as alternative to Southdown?

    Keep us posted on the Sakrete "Premium Grade Play Sand" if you use it. Because i cant find the southdown sand.
  18. trueheart

    marine snow or dt's

    Where do you get the Coral Heaven from??:confused:
  19. trueheart

    Pictures of my new refuge

    Well I fixed the leak for now and all is good.
  20. trueheart

    Pictures of my new refuge

    I have leak :eek: :( I’m adding more silicone I hope that helps, we will see in 24 hours.