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  1. coral crazy


    As a matter of fact it does have a strip of white down its back but its strip gets bigger and wider when its defensive.And it also flares its body out much bigger when it defensive.It looks just like the one on the slug website (apysia morio).It was trying to eat my hard coral too. Thanks for...
  2. coral crazy


    I just found a pure black sea slug in my tank is this safe,should I leave it or take it out !:eek:
  3. coral crazy

    Not enough power heads?

    I have a 55 with many new additions of corals and soft corals,my current is made by a aquaclear 400,a skilter 250,and 2 rio 200powerhaeds ,Do you think I need more current.
  4. coral crazy

    coraline algae to bo or not to be? that is the ?

    I have been trying my hardest to create this form of algae but I am getting minimal results.I have a kalkwasser dosage bottle ,been adding liquid calcium,trace suppliment,strotium, and iodine. I have a 55 gal with aquaclear 400,skilter filter,2 rio 200 power heads for circulation,1protien...
  5. coral crazy

    Got Polyps?

    I had a spectacular piece of live rock with green star polyps on it and for the last 4 months I have watched it diminish to about half the size. I was watching during the 1and 1/2 hour antinic time and discoverd the monster behind all the destruction.I dont know what it is but it allmost looks...
  6. coral crazy

    limp leather

    :confused: I purchased a purple leather at my lfs about three weeks ago ,it was doing just fine for a week and then it went limp,it just fell over.i thought it was unhappy so i moved it to three other locations in the tank and nothing .i have other leathers in the tank as well and they are doing...