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  1. dilb1021

    Does a CBS east parasites??

    I have to coolest CBS in town, and hes stuck thro thick and thin. My only question is that if one of my fish contracts Ick or some type of parasidic disease, will he pick them off and eat them?? This website actually says they will, but most say they wont. Also, do the relaly eat algaE? eveyone...
  2. dilb1021

    Help With Lighting!!!

    I have a 40 gal. tank, and im lovin it. Its been established for like 3 mon. and i have like 4 fish and im gettin more. My problem is i want to buy beginner corals and anemones, but my lighting is terrible. I think its like 25 watts or something rediculous like that. What should i do about it. I...
  3. dilb1021

    Fish Choices!!!

    I need help in choosing my next fish. I have a 40 gal. aquarium and i only have 3 percs and 1 baby yellow tang in there. What non agressive and atractive fish should i get next. I NEED HELP! 40 gal. long some crappy light - needs to change CBS emerald crab approx. 25 bluelegs 2 scarlet reef...