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  1. jaytee

    trouble with gorgonians

    Keep in mind that i am a beginner ..... so this is a beginners perspective ... i was told that gorgonains are hard to keep .... i inquired about some at my lfs and they steered me clear of them.... said they would not be somethig for a beginner to have , stating they would most likely die and if...
  2. jaytee

    How bout them Apples???

    TY Jon..... you know what the average price on one of these apples is usually.... and i have tried doing research on them but it is scarce - if you know of a place i can go online - ty.
  3. jaytee

    How bout them Apples???

    OK strongly considering getting a Sea Apple very soon. Yeah i know all the stories about the danger if it dies.... but what else can you experts tell me??? Anyone have one? Live long and prosper do they? I know they filter feed so good water nutrient are important. I think they are just the...
  4. jaytee

    coral beauty vs. clams

    Thanks falcon ..... I will look into more lighting.
  5. jaytee

    coral beauty vs. clams

    Well ok - thanks anyway.
  6. jaytee

    coral beauty vs. clams

    I have a Coral Beauty and wondered if i could add a clam to my tank? Would the Coral nip at the mantle? Give me a %. Also i use a smart - lite, is this enough light for the clam to thrive. 55 Gallon reef tank.