Search results

  1. toadstar

    New opinion about sexing Banggai cardinal?

    Hello All, I have spend some times in several Fish shops to find a better way to determine the --- of banggai cardinal. If you have a male and female, please take a look and let me know if this method works? Look at the fish face on (facing you). If it is a male, you will see two white lines...
  2. toadstar

    Banggai Question

    :jumping: Thanks for you input. I was busy to come up with a better resolution with my banggai cardinals. Two of my banggai cardinals final pair off and try to kill the third one. It looks like I have two males and one female. However, my female cardinal is getting thinner each day. It...
  3. toadstar

    Banggai Question

    Hello all, I was off for a while and now decided to restart my reef tank again. I am trying to obtain a pair of Banggai cardinal and attempt to breed them. However, I don't have much luck. I bought 5 banggai (less than 2 inches) recently. Once they are in the tank, they are fighting each...
  4. toadstar

    Trouble with VHO lights

    Thanks for your help. I have received a defective light buld from I follow your instruction and somehow get the set to work with the old light buld again. When I put the new buld in, it did not work. The worse part is I could not return the buld because I did not check it when I...
  5. toadstar

    Trouble with VHO lights

    My VHO lights is working good until I try to replace two new lights today. After the installation, I turn the switch on. Both light fire a flash and never come on. I try several time, each time the same thing happens. After a while, both lights don't flash no more. Do you think the Ballast...
  6. toadstar

    what eats hair algae?

    Get a lawnmower blenny. It is worthed to have one. My blenny is one happy guy in the tank. Its stomach always full and doing lawnmowing everyday. I love it:D
  7. toadstar

    metal halide light

    Every time you add extra light, the extra light will encourage algea to grow. You can't do anything about it. Reduce the length of the light, or try to remove the rock and scrub the green stuff off. I added new light lately and I have the same problem. I scrub the green stuffs off using a...
  8. toadstar

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    :) Let it be me. ????
  9. toadstar

    Sea Anemones

    Hello All, I am new at this site. I have a 55 g reef tank with 220 watts VHO light. I have a flowerpot (growing big), mushrooms, finger leather. Two clown fish, royal gamma and beauty coral angel. Now my problem is, I could not keep the sea anemones alive in my tank for more than 3 days...