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  1. jackdp

    is my Monti healthy...

    Is my Montipora digitata healthy? How can I tell. Its my first SPS and has been in the tank for about 2 weeks now. I don't see much polyp extension but have read that's not uncommon in Montipora spp. It keeps getting a thin algae growth over it and a snail will clean it off and then the...
  2. jackdp

    lighting ? for 20 gallon.

    Hey, I've got a 20 gallon long tank that has been set up for a little over a year with 2x55 watt pc's (1 10k &1 act.) Now that I just bought a little pink Montipora digitata I want to keep the bright pink color. What would be the best lighting arrangement for this. I'm thinking of going with...
  3. jackdp

    cyano vs. dinoflagellates...

    How do I tell the 20 gallon tank is starting to get overrun with a short reddish brown hairy algae on the sand. It also has clear bubbles on it.. My nitrates test at zero and phosphates test at zero..I run 2x55 watt pc's with 4 month old bulbs...and I also have a prizm skimmer...
  4. jackdp

    clownfish help!!

    I've got a 20long tank with 2 yellow tailed damsels, a domino, and an ocellaris. Everybody's been living together fine for a month and a half now, the tank is about 6mos old. All of the sudden in the space of a few hours, my clown is on the bottom lying on his side gasping for air. There has...
  5. jackdp

    What will my lights support??

    I have a 20 gallon long tank, its about 12-14" deep. I have 2x55 watt compact fluorescents with 1 10k and 1 actinic bulb. I'm just wondering what types of corals/anemones etc will thrive under this lighting? Thanks for any suggestions.
  6. jackdp

    getting coralline on rocks...

    Is there a trick to getting coralline aglae to spread onto my LR. My tank is about 6 months old, and I've got coralline spreading all over the sides, heater, PH's etc, but none on the I missing something or do I just need to be more patient? thx.
  7. jackdp

    How high for lights??

    I'm in the process of making a hood for my 20gal tank. It measures 30"longx12" deep. Would 2x55 watt pc's give me enough lighting to keep most corals. Also, how high over the open water would I want to keep the lights.
  8. jackdp

    Tips on live rock selection

    I might be heading over to my LFS tomorrow to pick up some LR. I was just wondering if there is anything in particular to look for when getting it? I know about cured/uncured and all that...I mean as far as color, shape, how to tell if it is really "alive" or just a little "alive". I got one...
  9. jackdp

    what to test for during cycle...

    What kind of ammonia do I test for during the cycle and where should it be. My test kit tests for free ammonia and total ammonia. Free is more toxic and my test shows very little of this. However, my total ammonia is around 1-1.5 mg/l. When the cycle is thru, should both of these be close to...
  10. jackdp

    newbie questions

    Here's the spiel...converted 20L FW tank to SW it has in it no live rock or live sand, just cc over undergravel filter with a tetra tec "wet/dry" hang on power filter and one power head right now. On the advice of a book, I filled the tank, let it set for a few days and then added two...
  11. jackdp

    ammonia results/test kits

    I have a 20L FO tank with cc on an UG filter and a tetratec external filter. The tank has been going for almost 2 weeks with 2 damsel fish in it that are doing fine. Now for the question, I bought one of those nifty seachem ammonia alert badges that sits inside the they really work...