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  1. cyley

    Alternative diet for a Mandrin Goby

    Ive heard that some people have put mandarins onto brine srimp but I wouldnt know if you would have much luck with that..
  2. cyley

    ever crushed your blue tang?

    A horrific death almost occured in my tank last night, whilst cleaning the glass the largest peice of LR (ap. 14kg) fell backwards onto the glass, opps no drama.. few moments later on closer expection i spotted a lifeless black and yellow tail coming out from underneath the rock..... luckily i...
  3. cyley

    Weekend pictures ... I added another 50# or so of LR bringing the total to 250# LR ..

    you relise that 4 clowns is not really a good idea
  4. cyley

    starfish food ??

    hi guys, i have recently been given a saltwater aquarium with some live rocks? 2 percula clownfish and a blue starfish.. not sure what this is? i wanted to learn more about saltwaterfish keeping before i had my own tank but i rescued these guys from a careless owner.. just a few questions, since...