Search results

  1. tnt3037

    Bristle Worms.... How do I get rid of them?

    Thanks for all your help! I have gotten rid of most of the bristleworms. Only a few small ones remain. I did take a sample of my tank water to my regular Aquarium and all levels were normal. Did another water change. And so far all my fish look good. Havent lost anymore fish since my last...
  2. tnt3037

    Bristle Worms.... How do I get rid of them?

    Hey, Thanks for the fast reply, I have called my Trusty aquarium, and they are out of the traps. Also wont have any Arrow crabs till friday. All my level are normal. PH 8.4 Alk Normal Salinity 1.021 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 But, Like I said my fish are dropping fast. Two this...
  3. tnt3037

    Bristle Worms.... How do I get rid of them?

    I have tons of bristle worms in my tank.. some are 2 to 3 inches long.. Could this be what has been killing my Fish. I havent had any major problems with my fish until I started noticing these Bristle worms. I have been told Arrow Crabs or Hawkfish will eat these worms. But, I went and got a...