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  1. saltnewbie

    opinions on lighting setup

    hey guys i was looking at the ah supply site and i can get a full 2x55watt pc setup (full wiring,balast and deflector) along with a 55watt 10,000 bulb and a 03 actinic for about $100.00 since i am only (at this time at least) interested in low to med light corals would this work on my tank? also...
  2. saltnewbie

    opinions on lighting setup

    hi all, thanks for the replies. let me give you guys a better idea of my situation. I have been keeping fw tanks for a about 5 years(oscar and african cichlid) and my O just recently went to the big tank in the sky :( so i decided to give sw a try. my best friend has a great sw tank and is...
  3. saltnewbie

    opinions on lighting setup

    hi, all i am new to salt and i was wondering if i could get some opinions on a lighting set up im pondering. i have a 55 gal that i am going to set up as a reef tank. tell me what you think of this light set up i was thinking of going with virulux pc...