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  1. donalk

    freshwater ? there is a much better one but i lost the link
  2. donalk

    saltwater v fresh

    i was a drunk untill about two months ago and now need to find a new obsesion no there is no restrictions on fish coral on the other hand is as there is only one coral beach in ireland tere is no salt water aqarium shops over here so i cant ask my questions any were else the local sea...
  3. donalk

    saltwater v fresh

    there over the top there two my first half make that no ased atement was i threr 10 goldfish into an out door fountain basin 3ftX3 X 6inches pump got two birdy crane 2 cat one and dogy one only one died from me never cleaning the tank well 5 times in3 years aint much and no food ecept right...
  4. donalk

    saltwater v fresh

    after looking through thes posts it seems like atank and nesesery eqipments going to cost me $500 and a tropical fish tank fresh water will cost me 150 for a good setup is this true or is evry one here going over the top my reson for chosing salt water was to save money as i live near the see...
  5. donalk

    will this work

    just going to the sea whith a 20gal cotainer takeing a bunch of hermit crabs snails welks and a small eal and muselss a weed or two and fill ing my 20 gal tank with see water i have a bubler im not intrested in live corl ive seen people keep lobster and sand ell alive this way in very over...
  6. donalk

    nebie questions

    thats 20 gal not 2
  7. donalk

    nebie questions

    iv just built a tank 2 gal i have an are stone im going to use musels to filter the water welks and limpits to stop weed groth im use ing marble stones as the do not change ph ill be using wild local fish and prawns and maybe a small ell and a goby if i can find them a hermit crab or to a baby...