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  1. xpo

    adding lights

    Currently I have 70 watts of light, thru 10,000K and Blue Actinic lighting. I'm thinking of purchasing more lighting that would increase the total watts to 192. If I were to increase the amount of light by that much are there any concerns or worries. Thanks.
  2. xpo

    fluidized bed filter

    Myk..., Thanks, i really appreciate that help :D
  3. xpo

    fluidized bed filter

    I was just wondering if anyone still feels fluidized bed filter's were of any use and what purpse they served. Also would you use one in conjuction with a protein skimmer, or is that overkill, or are they not even realted. Basically looking for general info before I start making any purchases...
  4. xpo

    algae good or bad?

    Hi everyone, I have a question about green algae and hair algae, I think its called. Are these bad for your tank, if so how do I get rid of them? I also have been noticing what looks to be like a minature star fish in my tank I havent seen the entire body but I see small white legs appearing...