Search results

  1. dave857

    too small

    I have kept all sorts of sharks from leopards to bonnetheads to balck tips... Basically with all these active swimming sharks, you have to have a plan B. Either build a bigger tank or have someone with a big tank take them off your hands when they outgrow your tank. A baby Leopard or...
  2. dave857

    Black Tip Reef Shark

    Wow, looks really nice. Shark is nice and robust, very healthy looking. I have kept several Black Tips.. If you have any questions about behavior or anything else, feel free to ask. dave
  3. dave857


    Thanks for the quick reply! Yea, I also prefer Leopards, and have never looked into smoothhounds.. Recently a friend told me that smoothhounds grow much much slower and that they will stay at a small size for many more years (this peaked my interest). They also are supposed to be more active...
  4. dave857


    Hi Splash, I have a few Q's regarding the differences between Leopards and Smoothhounds if you don't mind. I noticed that you have had both. I have had many leopards over the years, but never a smoothy. What I do know is that full grown, the leopard shark will grow to almost double the lenght...
  5. dave857

    Still cant find a leopard shark out there.

    Wow there prices are outrageous. I guess if they are the only ones with a stock, you have no choice. I have an E-mail if you are interested of local fisherman out here in Cali. He sells leopards for $50. I am not sure if he ships, but i am pretty sure he has a few left, probbaly 14"+. Say, if...
  6. dave857

    Still cant find a leopard shark out there.

    Actually here in California, where most of the leopard's are caught there has been a ban for several years now. Illegal to sell a leopard under three feet. I still see the babies sold frequently however. I think it is extra difficult right now simply because they are out of season. The...
  7. dave857

    Need small leopard or smoothhound

    Great! Any details on what stock you have, including size? Do you have an E-mail??? Please E-mail me Thanks
  8. dave857

    Need small leopard or smoothhound

    Well, maybe we can meet half way or arrange shipping or something.. But you still havent told me what you have??? Please E-mail me .... I just would like to know what sharks you have and the SIZE. Thanks Mucho!
  9. dave857

    Need small leopard or smoothhound

    I am in Los Angeles.. What do you have available??
  10. dave857

    Need small leopard or smoothhound

    Looking for small leopard or smoothhound shark. I know it is late in the season, but if you have or know where there may be some available please let me know. BTW I am in Southern California.