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  1. travis truman

    whats on my glass?

    I have little white......immovable things all over my glass. They are stuck and wont move. I dont know if they are a problem or not. I wish I could explain them better, but I cant. No camera for pics.
  2. travis truman

    Great way to rid the Mantis!!!!!!!!!

    Put a piece of dead fish on a mousetrap, put the mouse trap in your tank...........wake up the next day and find a snapped Mantis!!!!!!!!!!
  3. travis truman

    clams and my lighting

    are there any clams that I can keep with 4x65w 2 blue 2 white lights?
  4. travis truman


    everytime I buy a male/unisex percula it dissapears Ive bought 2 false and the next day each time they were gone TODAY I bought a mated pair or true and the male is gone a few hours after I got him............. what the H but I got a new frogspawn!!!!
  5. travis truman

    Eel ?'s

    I have a 55 gallon salt water tank I have a clown and a coral...........I would like to know if there is any type of eel that would be able to live in my tank?
  6. travis truman

    Im going to quit

    I cant get my stupid slime algae to go away. Ive tried erase, ive taken out each rock and cleaned it off. I've about had it with this stuff and im going to send my tank to hell if I cant get rid of it soon. Does anyone know of any other way to get rid of it? I dont care how extreme it is
  7. travis truman

    oh no....back from vacation.....SLIME!!!

    I Went to the lfs today and the dude sold me some erase......they didnt have chem clean and im pretty desperate. will this erase stuff work???
  8. travis truman

    ID good or bad

    I have a black web-like algae growing on my wasnt there this morning and at 730 when I last looked, it was there. is this slie algae?
  9. travis truman

    feather duster (?)

    do they filter out the water and clean it? or are they just a decoration?
  10. travis truman

    dumb cbs

    my cbs hasnt done anything since I put him in. he is starting to grow brown algae on himself. he is alivie though, when a fish approaches him he gets startled, and when a hermit crabs walks up to him, he makes sure he lifts his legs up so they dont get touched. is this normal? hes been in there...
  11. travis truman

    carpet anmonie ?

    are carpet anemonies really that destructive? I wanted to get a host anemonie for my perc and this was the only one I could get off this site I just wanted to know
  12. travis truman

    will my coral beauty..........

    will it eat a whole caulerpla plant if I put it in my tank? I want to try and get copods going and need caulrpla, but the CB might pose a threat
  13. travis truman

    My stuff arrived dead

    yesterday my shipment came from this site and half of my stuff survived. My CBS and snails died but my hermit crabs and emerald crab survived. What can I do???
  14. travis truman

    I added a baby clownfish today

    so I added this baby clownfish.......I already have a nice size false perc and a CB. TO make a long story short, I added him in and they pecked at each other and everything was cool. Now I can't find the little guy. Im sure this is a normal clownfish thing but can anyone back me on this?
  15. travis truman

    so cheesy

    I went to this seafodd restaraunt yesterday, they had a freshwater tank with fake corals and anemonies, it was so obvious. Even my dad noticed and hes not even into fish
  16. travis truman

    OT- I hate snow

    we just got rocked by a foot of snow overnight, the thing is, our schools didnt close. I hate snow and I live in MN. Anyone in Arizona got an extra room?
  17. travis truman

    conformation on u-built it

    how long does it take for this site to repsond to a u-build it order........last time it took a day but I orderd my package 3 days ago
  18. travis truman

    clean up

    I just purchased this for my 55 gal 10 blue legs emerlad crab cbs some feather dusters sally lightfoot astria snails 10 5 of the sand sifting snails and I threw in a clown to make it 75$ :D
  19. travis truman

    please respond

    im cycling my now in the algae cycle and I need to know if I should do water changes or still on brown algae. any other tips would be helpfull
  20. travis truman

    week vacation

    oh god what do I corals YET a clown and a cb...........going through alga cycle