Search results

  1. jeebus

    Replacing Eclipse Hood - Lighting???

    I need to replace my Eclipse hood so that I can put some better lights on my tank. I have already retrofitted the hood once, but I am still not getting enough light to support most corals. I have realized for sometime that the Eclipse is not a good solution for a reef tank, but when I bought it...
  2. jeebus

    Cloudy Tank

    Double check your tank and make sure you don't have any dead critters in there. I just went through a similar problem with cloudiness and it was casued by a dead snail rotting in the tank. Which in turn led to further die off which caused a bacterial bloom. Could be something else for you, so do...
  3. jeebus

    Six Line Wrasse

    The one I had was pretty aggressive towards other fish that were it's size or smaller. It actually killed a Blue Damsel by chasing it relentlessly around the tank. It was also aggressive towards my peppermint shrimp, and was also implicated in its demise. I am not sure if they are all this way...
  4. jeebus

    Cloudy Water???

    Broomer5 The fish was removed fairly soon after it died. The snail may have been in there as long as 2 days. I think it was the snail that kicked off the problem, although as you mentioned the addition of the new life a couple of weeks ago may have stressed the tank. I understand fairly well...
  5. jeebus

    Need lighting and hood recommendations

    I need a new hood and lighting setup for my 37 gallon tank. It is primarily a reef set up with a bunch of live rock. I don't have much else in it right now except for a coupled of fish and shrimp. I would like to be able to keep corals, xenia, mushrooms and the like, but I know my current...
  6. jeebus

    Six Line Wrasse

    I had a 6-line for a couple of years and it did get a bit rotund over time. That is not to say that yours isn't preggers, but I think those things are very pretty rare and 4 months sounds like a long gestation period for a fish.
  7. jeebus

    Help! My tank is sick...

    INewbieSaltTank, I think you may be right. Worse part is that I don't think I needed the snails in first place and they probably starved to death. Bummer! Live and learn. Hopefully I can get this thing cycled quickly and put this ugliness behind me. No more snails!
  8. jeebus

    Cloudy Water???

    Was adding Cycle a bad idea? I only added the minimum amount. Could die off and the resulting haze be a result of overfeeding? Thanks.
  9. jeebus

    Cloudy Water???

    This is a 2 year old setup with lots of live rock in a 37 gallon tank. The water has become increasingly cloudy over the past few days. It is a whitish sort of haze, not green as I have seen during cycling. I had a fish die about a week ago, but 2 others are fine. This morning I found a dead...
  10. jeebus

    Help! My tank is sick...

    I think I have all the dead critters out of the tank. I will do another search and make sure. Would you recommend another water change regardless of what I find? I will buy an Ammonia test ASAP. Thanks for the help.
  11. jeebus

    Help! My tank is sick...

    The Tank: 37-gallon reef setup approx. 2 years old – well established with about 30lbs of live rock. Runs with an Eclipse hood (filter and modified light) and a Prizm protein skimmer. There are also 2 power heads and a heater (temp @ 78 deg). Problem: One week ago my Anthias died which seems to...
  12. jeebus

    Can pods be bought? Mandarin help!

    If your tank is well established you could probably add a small amount of live rock without getting into trouble, just make sure you monitor the ammonia levels and maybe do a couple of water changes. It is also possible that you could find some cured live rock, or at least partially cured. It...
  13. jeebus

    Can pods be bought? Mandarin help!

    I am not sure about your question regarding live rock. My impression is that its either live rock or its not. Have you put any live rock in your tank ever? The pods themselves might take up residence in whatever rock they could find. However, that does not mean they will thrive there. Pods have...
  14. jeebus

    What is the low-down on the Coral Banded Shrimp?

    I have been checking out the posts today and it seems there is a lot of talk about the CBS. The good, the bad and the ugly. First off - What do they eat (meaning what are they supposed to eat)? Do they pose a danger to any of the following - brittle stars, serpent stars, trochus snails, hermit...
  15. jeebus

    Need fish purchase advice.

    Do cleaner shrimp only eat parasites? What do they eat if my fish are already clean? Do I need to get a dirty fish?:D
  16. jeebus

    Can pods be bought? Mandarin help!

    I had the same situation with a Mandarin and I was able to purchase some pods from a local fish store. It provided a short-term fix, but in the long-term the problem continued and the Mandarin died. From my limited experience a Mandarin needs a lot of live rock to survive, as that is where pods...
  17. jeebus

    Can pods be bought? Mandarin help!

    I had the same situation with a Mandarin and I was able to purchase some pods from a local fish store. It provided a short-term fix, but in the long-term the problem continued and the Mandarin died. From my limited experience a Mandarin needs a lot of live rock to survive, as that is where pods...
  18. jeebus

    Need fish purchase advice.

    I have a 37 gallon reef tank with lots of live rock. Current stock: Coral Banded Shrimp (large), Peppermint Shrimp (2), Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Blue Damsel, Zebra Damsel, emerald crab, hermits and snails. I am primarily interested in getting a fish that will interact with the Cleaner shrimp, but...