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  1. hazenwolf

    Update on my new tank

    Thanks for the advice
  2. hazenwolf

    Update on my new tank

    I baught the 45 lb fiji premium cured rock. Its been in the tank for two weeks now. I got several large pieces even one that I had to split apart in two because it was to big for the 29 gallon tank. Thus far I have yet to see any bad critters but I am not that experinced enough to know if I...
  3. hazenwolf

    New FO tank

    I bought a second test kit for nitrate and nitrite, tests show 40 nitrate and nitrite is 3. I am using the EZ test strips as a test kit. I guess thats not as good as I thought. I will do another water change in a day or so an check again.
  4. hazenwolf

    New FO tank

    I used the dead shrimp to help cycle. Maybe the Red sea live sand supposedly it was packed with bacteria already. Anywho I am not sure since I am new to the art of keeping fish. I had two filters on it for almost a week both running with carbon. I also have well water not city. It is very hard...
  5. hazenwolf

    New FO tank

    Thus far I have started my tank its an itty bitty 29 gallon tank. But hey it's a start. I don't havemuch room in my Living Room. Anyhow the tank contains 30 lbs of substrate from Natural Selection 50 lbs of Red Sea sand. 50 lbs of fiji LR from live aquaria. Readings PH 8.2-8.4 Salinity...