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  1. saltwaternewbie

    Starting over

    Thanks Alot you guys are a huge help might go shopping this weekend
  2. saltwaternewbie

    Starting over

    Okay like 2 years ago i bought the tank (29G are the seals still good?), the sand, the filter, protien skimmer and the salt (is it still good). I have a few questions and i need a few things i need lighting, and power heads? What power head i do need ideas? I want to do a reef tank with a few...
  3. saltwaternewbie

    I can't find a job ANYWHERE.

    Come people we all need to wake up and start spending or doing something. This econmy just stinks!!
  4. saltwaternewbie

    Urgent!!!Need HELP Plz!!!

    but why are you salting and saving the fish if you dont mind me asking? If this is a stupid question please feel free to find me and slap me in the face....
  5. saltwaternewbie

    37g tank and stand $60 Chicagoland

    I am sorry i would take it but i dont like the fact that the middle brace is missing i am sorry that would make a great reptile tank but i dont plan on any of those for a while. sorry thanks Jon
  6. saltwaternewbie

    bunch of reef stuff fs NE OHIO will ship

    Do you still have the lights i am very interested if u still have them. Please email me at EUROCHILDX@AOL.COM if you still have them thanx Jon
  7. saltwaternewbie

    24" compact fluorescent lighting

    Okay thanx for the price that is a lil high thanx
  8. saltwaternewbie

    135 gal setup for sale

    are you willing to sell just the lighting and what are the pecs on it??? I dont think that anyone is buying the whole thing
  9. saltwaternewbie

    24" compact fluorescent lighting

    new price please
  10. saltwaternewbie

    Dirt cheap PC light!!!

    If you lower the price i will take them that is way to high you can get them shipped for 55 on ---- and those are used
  11. saltwaternewbie

    37g tank and stand $60 Chicagoland

    One do you still have it? two where are you located in the chicago land area and three do you have lights to go with it. If you are close to me ill take it........ Thank you so much Jon by the way my email address is
  12. saltwaternewbie

    Power Heads!

    oooooooopppppps sorry~
  13. saltwaternewbie

    Power Heads!

    Hey i have a question how are you in this hobby if you wanna be cheap about stuff?? Email me and i might be able to help but i cant post the link on this site!
  14. saltwaternewbie

    Metal Halide / power compact 24 inch Hood Canopy Used

    how much do you want???
  15. saltwaternewbie

    2x55 watt pc fs

    did you sell them yet
  16. saltwaternewbie

    2x55 watt pc fs

    how new are the bulbs
  17. saltwaternewbie

    2x55 watt pc fs

    Need fans
  18. saltwaternewbie

    2x55 watt pc fs

    Ill take them for 40 shipped...... let me know ill send the money order tomorrow
  19. saltwaternewbie

    F/S: Lightly Used CSL PC Moonlights-Lubbock, Texas

    I would like to see the fixture??? Can you email me a picture.... thanks Jon
  20. saltwaternewbie

    question for those with RO units

    Hey can i say a pic of the setup of your RO I have a unit but a looking for idea on how to set it up! Thanks for the advice Jon