Search results

  1. fishman2003

    What type of filter

    Hi people, I'm starting out with my first saltwater tank and its size is 30Gal. I know some people recommends 55gal for starters but that's all i have and don't really want to go bigger. So what equipment would you recommend? I want a fish only tank with live rock. I already have: 30Gal...
  2. fishman2003

    New Saltwater tank setup

    Thanks you guys, but would i still need a skimmer? and what brand of filter would you recommend?
  3. fishman2003

    New Saltwater tank setup

    Doesn't the skimmer makes the water evaporate much faster on a tank? I don't want to sound stupid Michelle, but what does DBS stand for? I like the way sand looks so i wouldn't mind going with that. thanks again Lou
  4. fishman2003

    New Saltwater tank setup

    Hello people, I have a 30gal tank that i'm converting to saltwater, I only wanted it to be a fish and live rock only tank. I've always kept a freshwater thank, i have experience with african cichilds. So anyways, what would be a recommend type of filter for this tank? and i was thinking...