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  1. mh

    package deal reef ready set up

    lets try local deal shipping would be outragous package deal over flow box rated at 300 gph(have 2 U tubes) return pump w/ pluming oak stand a fair condition 29g tank light skimmer make offer
  2. mh

    kalkwasser what is stuff on bottom

    what is the stuff on the bottom when mixed up? what will it do if added to the tank? does it harm anything? do any users out there use only kalkwasser to maitain ph, calcium and alkalinity? i'm mixing at maximum dose and alk 8 cal 420 ph 8.2 salinity 1.023
  3. mh

    looking for used 37g

    anyone out there have a 37g for sale or trade local in southern california would be better
  4. mh

    treating ich in a reef

    can not net fish for copper treatment in quarentine. tried garlic not helping getting worse any other treatments reef safe? flame angel now has ich on body no longer on fins only please help
  5. mh

    flame angel ich

    hard to net fish to treat outside of reef. garlic not helping. anything reef safe? have soft, hard & sps.
  6. mh


    when topping off with kalk would pouring mixed water through a sponge at 200 micron filter out the sediment you want to keep out? is this sediment lime deposits? I use part a b for alk and cal w kalk top off cal 420 alk 8
  7. mh

    clown vs porcelin crab

    what would be benifits of a clown vs a porcelin crab?
  8. mh

    power compact perfect for 55g

    about 4 ft fixture by 10in wide 4 55watt power compacts 9 months old 220 total watts $150.00 located in try local first big item to ship
  9. mh

    bulk heads

    what is the flow rate rated at? 3/4in 1in 1 1/2in
  10. mh

    trade frags so cal

    pulse x
  11. mh

    1st time tank photos

  12. mh

    ID this filter feeder

    ID please - came w/ live rock have to trim back grows out of control
  13. mh

    frogs spawn help

    went to fish store for water - store had frogs spawn coral for 18$ could not pass up. coral has purple tips under his HO lighting if you have one, where is yours located in the tank? water movement and lighting? lfs said low light and low movement my book says lots of light and "brisk current"...
  14. mh

    175 mh 10,000k

    i have an extra 175 watt reefsun from hamilton tech. there is 6 months on 10,000k bulb looking to trade for skimmer in california
  15. mh


    what type of lighting does everyone use out there? and how many watts per gallon? before I was a pc user at 10+ watts per gallon changed to mh at 7 wpg and switched to less wpg but have seen better extention and color in corals intensity can not be matched the only bad part of mh is the light...
  16. mh

    flame angle

    my book says flame angels will eat polyps and nibble on clams, any particular favorites on there diet?
  17. mh


    my father in law had xeina spreading like weeds into 8 stalks.(in system for 4 months) lost all but one in two days time after he said his bubble released brown waste. said bubble turned almost purple in color and stayed deflated for couple of days. stressed out coral or is there somthing else...
  18. mh

    Calcium Reactor

    i would like to set one up one a 100g - what is the monthly cost for operation? also any pros and cons? lfs does not use or think reactors are a good tool in mantaining tanks he says they make you lazy he also stated reactors have to be adjusted all the time. does he not know about reactors...
  19. mh

    150 watt double ended mh bulbs

    anyone using the hqi 150 watt double ended bulb? if so what are the results? friend told me the 150 some how gives off the same intensity as a 400 watt bulb - he said the results of the test comparing the hqi 150 to a standard 400 watt bulb were the same, but he can not recall what magizine this...
  20. mh

    kelp growing in tank

    I have brown kelp growing in my tank lfs wants to trade. What would be the going price 4 something I have never seen at any fish store?