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  1. nbtx2002


    I'm setting up a new 55 gallon tank for FOWLR. I was wondering about different lighting. It came with a light hood but it will only hold 2 bulbs. I was wondering what I shoud update my lighting to??
  2. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    ok the hood that came with the tank kinna only has 2 ballast for light like 18"long. Should I upgrade & if so what would you reccomend me changing to?
  3. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    ok this is all I've invested so far....I got a ocean view aquarium products 55gal tank & a hagen 15" radiant 200w heater. I want a good set up not one that I might have to replace later, cause it might not be good enough. Not like just top of the line stuff, but something that will handle...
  4. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    sorry if this sounds dumb, but when you say "seed it" with live sand...that just means add some live sand with the dead sand?
  5. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    I should go with a live sand bed or a dead sand bed?
  6. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    What you use for the bottom?? Sand/coral??
  7. nbtx2002

    tank setup

    hello...whassup? I have a few questions I would like to ask...maybe u guys can help me out. This is my 1st time to try a saltwater setup. I purchased a 55 gallon tank & was wondering how I could set it up. I'm wanting to do a FOWLR. Should I go with sand or crushed rock, or a mixture of them...