Search results

  1. chavez

    55 Gallon Freshwater Setup For Sale In NC!!!!

    Still for sale? Will you deliver - in Concord.
  2. chavez

    75 Oceanic setup - Atlanta

    If you part out I would be interested in the Maxi-jets, Wave timer, and Refugium.
  3. chavez

    Another Sump Question

    NYByrne - How is it going man, this is Paul - Angie's friend. Thanks for letting me borrow your book. I am getting ready to biuld a sump myself - 20 gal long. Just want to jump on this thread with you. What is the max flow from an overflow with one 3/4" drain and a 1" ID J-Tube? Need to...
  4. chavez

    WTB - Starting new 45 gal Reef Tank on a budjet

    OK - Finally jumping into the reef side of the aquatic hobby. New to the reefside but have been keeping FW Planted tanks for about 8 years. Want to buy some used equipment from people rather than paying retail - trying to stay within a budjet. Maybe some of you can help out a newbie. Would...