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  1. skimmer


    I see that many of you have web pages on your reef tanks. What software did you use to create them? I was looking into purchasing Microsoft FrontPage 2002.
  2. skimmer

    Pulsing Xenia Problem

    I have a ton of Pulsing Xenia in my tank but for some reason it looks like some of the tips are being eaten off. I do not have anything that would eat them. Some of the arms have the tips missing and some have the whole arm shrunk down to nothing and look like little white tips. Has anyone had...
  3. skimmer

    Should you stir up a live sand bed every once and a while?

    Will it hurt anything?
  4. skimmer

    PLEASE READ (What should I put in my sump?)

    I've only had him in the tank for about 2 weeks. I plan on removing him once he is done eating the aptiasa anemones. I heard they love clams and that is what I will be adding in the next few months. I also heard that once they are done with the Aptiasa they will go for corals but he has not...
  5. skimmer

    PLEASE READ (What should I put in my sump?)

    I have recently removed (over the corse of a month) all of the bioballs out of my 110 gallon reef tank. Currently, I have nothing in that compartment in my sump except for some filter material (Will this create Nitrates?) so that I do not hear the water dropping into the bottom of the sump. My...
  6. skimmer

    Aptaisa Anemones

    Thanks Trey!! :) :) :) [ May 24, 2001: Message edited by: skimmer ]
  7. skimmer

    Aptaisa Anemones

    I heard that there was a way to kill Aptaisa (glass anemones) by sticking them with a solution in a syringe. Does anyone heard of this? I tried shrimp but my other fish eat them. I even tried sticking them with boiling hot water but that did nothing. :mad: :confused:
  8. skimmer

    Acclimate Live Sand???:)

    This may sound like a dumb question but do you need to acclimate live sand like you do fish? I was thinking of adding some more to my tank. Here is some info on my tank. Setup since 10/01/00 110 RR Oceanic tank 4x98 Custom Sealife Power Compacts Wet/Dry Sump (removed have the bioballs since...
  9. skimmer

    Elegance Coral (Please Help)

    I recently had a problem with my elegance coral. After reading some of my books it looks like the coral was getting to much light. Here's the problem. It started to get white spider web looking stuff all over it. The book said that this is a defense mechanism because it was getting to much...