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  1. snowfighter


    Thanks for the input CJ. While I appreciate your opinion and see the validity, I am way over budget on this project already. My LFS knows my set up, even showed them some little video clips. I took their suggestion of a larger than needed (I thought anyway) power head to get good water flow...
  2. snowfighter


    Hey Bang Guy, hope you having a good weekend. I stand corrected, you are right. I think it is bacteria the article mentioned. I am damned if I can find where I came across it, but it was on the iNet. I think the jist of it was that certain beneficial bacteria grow in low flow/low light or near...
  3. snowfighter

    newbie needs help

    Hello . I too am new to the hobby. I started a 65 gallon FOWLR tank about 4 weeks ago. All these suggestions of giving yourself adequate space is definitely very good advice. I have mine set up against a wall, but can easily get to the other 3 sides of the tank. I am 3 inches from the wall, but...
  4. snowfighter


    Well I am into about my fourth week. Since my last post I have taken Bang Guys suggestion and purchased a power head. I also got rid of the water outlet device that came with the aquarium. It split into two and had duck billed fan shaped things at the end. With the water output so close to the...
  5. snowfighter


    Okay.. now that we have established I can get "pissy" when I perhaps take things the wrong way, let's move on from there. I apologize if anyone was offended. I would like to thank all of you who responded for your kind words and warm welcome. I am sure I will benefit from the wealth of your...
  6. snowfighter


    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy It does sound as if you have a knowledgeable local fish store. That's a plus. There are an infinate number of ways to set up a system and I see no flaws with the way you did it. Welcome to the addiction! I'm so happy you get to realize one of your dreams...
  7. snowfighter


    I started 17 days and not as poor ago. At 57 I am finally creating a dream I have had for some 36 years. The first thing I did was buy a copy of "The Saltwater Aquarium Handbook" by George Blasiola. I am glad that after reading it, I decided as a new enthusiast, to buy as large an aquarium as I...