Search results

  1. kl70

    What animals would you like seeing as game platform mascots ?

    What sea and / or land animals you admire or even dislike (be it either real life / real world ones, any from the film / TV worlds, literature, or any from anime / animation) would you seriously or humorously most like seeing as a new platform mascot (for either Xbox, PS, Wii) and please say...
  2. kl70

    What humorously witty animal hybrid/s would you create from this list ?

    If in an imaginary world, you had to create a (creatively and humorously) witty hydrid between any ONE single admired (or even disliked) fish species and just ONE of the single, mostly all non-fish animals listed below, what ones would you create and what would be unique or funny about your...
  3. kl70

    What's your most horrific seagoing experience been so far ?

    What has been your most horrific (whatever your definition of that is) seagoing experience so far, while you've been (or a friend has) in the sea and what were the (briefly described) circumstances of it.
  4. kl70

    What's your personal favorite type of fish species and why ?

    What is your favorite type of fish and why do you most admire it, compared to all the numerous other fish species. Or alternatively, cite the most eloquent, articulate, wittiest or even poetic comment/s made on your favorite fish that you have collected, or have on file, that answers the...
  5. kl70

    What marine animal do you think you're most like ?

    What marine animal/s do you (seriously or humorously) think you're most like and please say WHY. Or another way to respond, is cite the most eloquent, wittiest (serious and / or humorous) comments anyone's made on this topic, that answers the question for you.