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  1. stern1

    Seahorse Help!

    Got 1 Seahorse 2 weeks ago for my "Seahorse only tank" In my LFS the owner would not sell him until he started eating. He finally started eating Mysis shrimp so I bought him. Get him home and now all he eats is live Brine and will not touch the mysis. Is the live brine only OK for the...
  2. stern1

    Algae Everywhere!!

    Lighting is not an issue. I forget the wattage but it is the New Coralife light. Paid 250 bucks for this gimmick. Fans, 2 switchs, blue and regular light on timers. I will get a lawnmower Blennie to help. I am assuming it will eventually end.
  3. stern1

    Algae Everywhere!!

    I have not tested my phosphates. I use RO water. All the right stuff..I think. Can Phosphates cause it?
  4. stern1

    Algae Everywhere!!

    HELP! My tank has been set up for a few months and all corals and Fish are happy but my Tank has Green hairy algae all over the place. I try and take out a lot of it out manually but it is so out of control. I got Black Turbo Snails, Crabs, Hermits, A Sally Light Foot, etc. They may help...
  5. stern1

    What is the Best Protein Skimmer???

    Yes- I am looking for a hang on. Remora? Any others that you may suggest. THanks
  6. stern1

    What is the Best Protein Skimmer???

    I recently bought a 46 Gallon Bowfront. It almost done cycling. I wanted to get recommendations on the best Protein Skimmers. Not worreied about price. Looking for something small and slim and quiet. Any help? Thanks folks!