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  1. jeepers

    Changing tank to LR?

    OK, that sounds like a solid plan. I would think I should ditch the crushed coral and go sand when I get rid of the UG? If I do that and start adding LR over time, I don't ever touch the sand bed right? Do I need cleaners pretty much right when I add sand or should I wait? I hate to ask all...
  2. jeepers

    Changing tank to LR?

    So scrap the undergravel and add a skimmer? Are the hang-on's functional?
  3. jeepers

    Changing tank to LR?

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum but...I have an established 110, it's been salt water for over 3 years and is FO. Filtration is crushed coral under gravel with an Ocean Clear filter. Plumbing is through a hole in the very center bottom of the tank. I only have dead rock and dead...
  4. jeepers

    Convert f/o tank for sump

    Hi, I have a 140 gallon fish only glass tank with fittings on the bottom (undergravel filter) plumbed to an Ocean Clear filter, heater and of course pump. No overflow. Only thing coming into the tank from the top are airlines. Now, I've been considering converting to a sump with protein...