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  1. phatmatt08

    Need help w/ Clown trigger

    I read on the forums that people soak their food in additives like zoe, and other stuff that I can't remember to keep their color. What additives do you all use that really works well, and what do they do for the fish exactly?
  2. phatmatt08


    What fish do you have in the tank right now to help cycle the tank? Have you looked into getting a eel or 2? I got a snowflake a couple of days ago, and they're pretty cool. They hide alot but are beautiful when they come out. If you're intrested in going downthe eel route, you might not want to...
  3. phatmatt08

    Need help w/ Clown trigger

    My new clown is still going through hypo. I feed him glass shrimp, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and flakes.He's eating well right now, but if his appetite decreases what can I do to help boost it, other than soaking food in garlic extract?
  4. phatmatt08

    My new little baby!

    He's only 1 1/2", and hopefully does good through the hypo stage. He's such a curious little guy!
  5. phatmatt08

    My new little baby!

  6. phatmatt08

    My new little baby!

    I just wanted to show everyone my little fighter. Clown's look so intersting when they're small.
  7. phatmatt08

    Weird Anenome???

    Thanks for the input. Anyone else think differently out there?
  8. phatmatt08

    Weird Anenome???

    What in the world is this? Does anyone know what kind of anenome this is???
  9. phatmatt08


    Also what type of anenomes are not compatible w/ snowflake eels?
  10. phatmatt08


    What type of eel's would you recommend for m 55 gal tank?
  11. phatmatt08


    thanks for he reply. What types of eels would do well in a well established 55 gal with a clown trigger?
  12. phatmatt08


    I don't know that much about eels. Can they get ick the same as fish? What other types of diseases can they get? Is there someone out there that can answer some of my simple Q's?
  13. phatmatt08

    Live Rock dead?

    I was looking for a larger tank also. Is anyone selling or know of someone selling a 125+ gal tank for a reasonable price?
  14. phatmatt08

    Live Rock dead?

    well my fish are in the QT and my yellow tang finally got rid of the ich. Can't wait till next month when I roll out the red carpet for them to the display tank. I would like to get a regal tang also, but I heard tangs don't get along in pairs is this true?
  15. phatmatt08

    Seeding the tank????

    What is this I heard about seeding your tank? What does it do, and how do I do it?
  16. phatmatt08

    Live Rock dead?

    What would seeding my ls do for the tank, because I haven't done that yet?
  17. phatmatt08

    white spots

    Yea I knew about the HYPO, and I'm doing that right now. IT's been a few days later and the Tang is looking great now. All the white spots are gone, and he's eating even more than ever. But I wish this process didn't take 23 days!!!!
  18. phatmatt08

    white spots

    Yea I knew about the HYPO, and I'm doing that right now. IT's been a few days later and the Tang is looking great now. All the white spots are gone, and he's eating even more than ever. But I wish this process didn't take 23 days!!!!
  19. phatmatt08

    Nitrate Spike!!??

    55 GAL, started on Feb. 3 2003, 100 lbs. of LS, Red Sea Berlin Protein skimmer, HOT Magnum 250gpm Canister Filter, 2 Hagen model 402(270gph) powerheads.
  20. phatmatt08

    Nitrate Spike!!??

    My nitrate levels are stuck way up high!! I did a partial water change a couple days ago, but with no positive results. Any suggestions?