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  1. citation

    Yellow Tang Compatability

    Would like to add some color to the tank.Will Yellow Tang Get along w/ 3" Niger Triger, 3 Damsels, and a Blk zebra eel. Thanks.
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    Timer with ballast?

    I recently bought Electro-Lites 2x96 power compacts made by CustomSeaLife. It has two on/off switches, and two power cords wich allowed my to plug into separate heavy duty timers for the dawn day dusk simulation. I only have about a years experience but I hope this will help!
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    Hair Algae Eaters?

    I have reduced my lighting to 5 hrs/day, toothbrush cleaned as much area as I can, and only feeding once/day. Now I need something to graze on the rest of the algae till I can get it back under control. Any suggestions?
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    Hair Algae

    Added 96w actinic & 96w prem. daylight PCs about 3 weeks ago and now have hair algae growing on LV hermit crabs and on my feather dusters tubes. Alot of hair algae!! I use tap water for my weekly 4 gallon water changes. I feed the eel & trigger small pcs. cut shrimp twice a week. Damsels are...