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  1. burkey

    can live rock be restored

    hi beth, I was treating for ick that a koran angel had. I got the fish out into a Q.T. as soon as I spotted it but that was appearently too late.After 3 days I discovered my sailfin had it and my damsel also. That's when I decided to treat the tank cause I lost the Koran in the Q.T. Didn't want...
  2. burkey

    can live rock be restored

    the med. I used was quick cure it has Formalin, and malachite green. What was the stuff you got from LFS to run through your filters.
  3. burkey

    tank rebuild

    I posted a message 2 weeks ago about having to medicate my tank. I used guick cure which has formalin and malachite green in it.I have L.R. ansd L.S. and wanted to add inverts and corals at some point and time.I know that activated charcoal and carbon will dilute meds. so that's why they say to...
  4. burkey

    can live rock be restored

    Hey, I have a 55 gal. with approx.40lbs.LR. and 40lbs.LS Had to medicate tank cause of severe ick outbreak. Lost 1 koran angel but rest survived.(1sailfin tang, 1pseudochromis, 1maroon clown) Now I'm wondering about my rock? Is it toasted or is it possible to run so much carbon through the...
  5. burkey

    fresh water dip

    Hey, Thanks for the pics. they look to be a helpful guide. My fish looks like the clown with brooklynella. has that hazzy fuzzy whitish looking coating on the skin. How do you treat this ? Is this contageous ? thanks for all the help Steve
  6. burkey

    fresh water dip

    Hi, What my angel has looks like a white dusting almost like a fine lite color moss all over him.the eyes are o.k. the fins have no markings just the whole fish has this coating on it. From pictures i've seen and stuff i've read I thought it was velvet.I freshwater dip it 4 days ago but no...
  7. burkey

    fresh water dip

    Hi, need help with my Koran Angel. Think he has marine velvet. Had this fish approx. 6 weeks. just added live rock 10lbs. 2 weeks ago then noticed the disease on the angel. He eats and swims fine and the water is o.k. Could the rock have had the disease in it? I fresh water dip the angel 3 days...
  8. burkey

    ammonia spike

    My ammonia levels are 8.0 The level was at 0 until the nitrate boom. After I lost the tank then the ammonia levels went sky high. I keep my filters cleaned weekly. I kept doing 10 gal changes till my trates got to about 10. My ammonia has never come down since the tank crashed. Like I said all...
  9. burkey

    ammonia spike

    Had ammonia spike for almost 2 weeks. This happened after I lost my tank to nitrates that I could not lower for over a month. Did water change after water change and then one day I croaked the entire tank. Tested water and the ammonia was high along with the trates. Kept changing large volumes...