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  1. jonpowell21

    sick sailfin tang

    My substrate is crushed coral. The substrate in my canister filter is charcoal and I change it every 3 months and change the filter in the canister every 4 months. I do not have a grounding probe but will soon get one. What are "PHs"? thanks
  2. jonpowell21

    sick sailfin tang

    I just checked my levels and the nitrates were high at 20-40ppm. I'm preparing a 20 gallon water change as I write this. I don't have phosphate level testing equipment. I have a CPR 194 biofilter with protein skimmer, an Ocean Clear 325 canister filter and a 25 Watt UV sterilizer in the...
  3. jonpowell21

    sick sailfin tang

    For about 4 weeks now my sailfin tang has progressively had its fins deteriorate (extremely blunted "sail")as well as the appearance of discoloring markings around its face and eyes. From my readings, it sounds like "hole in head" disease which I thought was a nutritional problem. She eats...