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  1. bigl21750

    disinfecting scrapers buckets etc

    I have several tanks 50 gallon , 180 gallon, and a nano tank. I have always worried about cross contaminating m tanks when using buckets and tools , any suggestions on a easy method to prevent contaminting my tanks.
  2. bigl21750

    Cleaning filter media

    I have a 180 gal fowlr which has two sumps, I've been buying fairly expensive bulk filter pads which I cut to fit the sumps. My question is can you clean these filter pads good enough to reuse in tanks and how would you clean. I read one post whick sugggested soaking the pads in water with...
  3. bigl21750

    Nano tank hood

    My son gave me a jbl 12 gallon nano tank for christmas and the light will not come on but the fan does, I was trying to take the top off to work on the hood but can't figure out of if the top comes off. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. bigl21750

    cleaning after ick

    I just moved fish to quartine tank after doing a dip. I need to know how do you clean your buckets nets aetc anfter dealing with ick. Is just washing in hot water enough to kill it or do I need to do something else.
  5. bigl21750

    Ick Question

    I did something stupid , Christmas eve my wife gave me a suprise fish at 11:30 at night a rock Beauty which I just put into my 180 gallon tank because it was late and no quartine tank was set up. Fish now has ick and I have been give Para Guard as a possible treatment, I am worried about the...
  6. bigl21750

    Rock Beauty Angel ?

    Anyone have any experience with Rock Beauty Angel fish, My wife gave me this fish from the fish store but after what I have read it seems like a very difficult fish to keep becaue of needing sponges in its diet. It is a beautiful fish but would rather take it back to the fish store than see it...
  7. bigl21750

    Brine Shrimp

    Question how long do they live in your tank if not eaten ? After hatching when is the best time or age should they be feed to your fish. Thanks for any answers
  8. bigl21750

    Clown Surgeonfish

    I just bought a clown surgeonfish for my 180 gallon tank, but amy worried about this fish and how aggressive it is, I only have a scarlet wrasse in the tank as of now but plan on adding some trigger fish, anyone have any experience with this fish. Thanks in advance for any info
  9. bigl21750

    Cyano Bacteria ?

    I think that my 30 gal has cyano but I did not think that cyano has bubbles, like bubble algae. The color is red and is starting to get fairly long strings but nowhass bubbles on the rock , is this cyano or something else, any idea everyone, thanks in advance
  10. bigl21750

    Brass fittings

    What are the problems, if any with using brass fittings in your oveflow line, my tank siphons out into the sump and will not start again when the electricity goes out and then back on, I was thinking of using a brass backflow restrictor but am worried about brass. the tank is 50 gal with fish...
  11. bigl21750

    Hairy algae & super glueing coral to live rock

    I have a 30 gallon tank set up for about 4 weeks which has a large growth of hairy algae , after reading different post can't decide if this is bad or good. I also have a question how do you super glue coral to your live rock, do you take it out of the tank or What? thanks for info
  12. bigl21750

    reef tank

    I have two saltwater fish tanks, and iI am interested in a 30 gal reef tank but would like to know if there is some place were I can get general information about setting up a reef thank. thanks in advance for advice
  13. bigl21750

    aqua cultured fish

    If you buy fish from a fish farm do you have to still quartine the fish for 6 weeks?
  14. bigl21750

    Live Rock

    i have a 55 gallon tank 9 months old and would like to buy some more live rock. My question is do you need to worry about disease being transmitted to the fish in the tank, and if so how long does it need to be quartined:) :)
  15. bigl21750

    Reverse osmosis or distiller ??

    I'm going to buy either a reverse osmosis water purifier or a distiller , what is the opinion as to which is best or are they about the same.
  16. bigl21750

    mixing water & bug question

    My tanks salinity is a little low, is mixing water with instant ocean and using air for 24 hours to let it mix the correct way to raise salinity, also found little bugs in my tray on my sumps carbon, I think they are ok but just wondering if I should try and keep them in the tray or toss them out.
  17. bigl21750

    yellow tang

    Sorry Dreeves, I might be alittle sensitive! I did research tangs but I always found out that you can find ou t alot by asking people who actually have the fish. My orginal question was maybe not very clear , part of the question deals with the quanity of food you actually give the fish...
  18. bigl21750

    yellow tang

    Thanks everyone for the advice ,all except Dreeves who seems to just want to be a smart a .
  19. bigl21750

    yellow tang

    I just purchased a beautiful yellow tang, I was wondering how much and how often to feed this fish, all the fish I have had have been small. any advice or keeping this fish healthy and happy.
  20. bigl21750

    white spots on aquarium glass

    I adjusted my bifocals and looked close and the spots did turn out to be snails , I have to tanks and forgot that this tank does have some big snails in it, thanks everyone for the advice