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  1. fishkid

    Hyposalinity - Halfway through?

    terry, You do ROCK man, we'll see ya tom. PM i'm out Thanx again, fishkid
  2. fishkid

    Ick to the Stars&stripes puffer

    thank you sir, i will learn. So how does this hypo. work exactly, the steps. And how does the quarentined fish acclamate safely to the tank fromQT. Is he not being acclamated again, same change of chemisties and environments as the first time, why will any given fish fair better off by...
  3. fishkid


    That all depends on how much of the high protein diet you allow him(Scarlett Red missing Leg Crabs?haha [edited for content] happens). Ideal for triggers is krill, brine, mysis shrimp, anything fatty. Flake he'll eat, but flake alone won't keep him alive. I like to go mainly flake yet high...
  4. fishkid

    Scarlet Hermit

    he should be fine and dandy unless the reason which he lost (naturally or battle) his leg comes back for the rest of him. Could be another crab (purchased or along for the ride in the LR), fish, or maulting (they shed a lil' like a snake does). Only time will tell. Later, fishkidz
  5. fishkid

    BANG, or other DSB experts: Is it true that a DSB...

    Just please be aware of anaerobic bacteria and the hassles it presents. Lack of light and air in any space longer than 30 days creates ana. bac. and it makes tank go boom. I run walls! Sounds wierd huh, 4:20, yeah its fun. Thin 4-5" tall acryllic walls bonded with the glass to keep my sand...
  6. fishkid

    This hobby can be heart breaking!

    please, anyone with a reef, realize where your temp. sits before you go spend $300-400 on lights when really these lights (regardless of PC, VHO my fav., MH, or even reg. flor. bulbs) will warm your tank to that breaking point. I begin to kill org.(dusters, certain fish and coral) around...
  7. fishkid

    Ick to the Stars&stripes puffer

    Now I may only be 3 yrs. exp. in this hobby, and run things a lil' different than alotta people (the oxygen carrying capacity of the water tends to drop a bit at 5,000 ft., kinda like the air), but I do know the lil' white spots on the fish are EGGS. Thousands of ick babies (around 12000) on...
  8. fishkid

    Star Stripe Puffer..

    Originally posted by Grouperhead Nearly all puffers I've seen (dogface, pork, toby) will eat some flake. Don't feed it as the staple though, squid, silversides, krill, shrimp, etc. are all better. But, as an occasional mix, I don't see anything wrong with it. My $.02. Bo Perfect, he'll most...
  9. fishkid

    Baby snails???????

    alotta times things will magically appear after years of dormancy in liverock. I would ck. snail species in the area of where the live rock is from. As far as the abundance (50+) is nothing. Spawns have left thousands of snails in my friends 180 before, rediculous. watch em' close as always...
  10. fishkid

    Ick to the Stars&stripes puffer

    110g. fishtank with 2"stars and stripes that has 15 dots o' ick. I'm looking for a better option to help him. I've tried freshwater dip for bout' 45 sec., and also a No-Ick treatment yet these damn eggs won't fall off. Also a 40wt. U.V.;) is present. Other fish include a lil' diadema...