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  1. echang86

    First Pic of 10 Gallon

    How many lbs of sand did you put in there?
  2. echang86

    Will it work?

    Thanks. I'll have to think about it now. There are two major reasons why I want to do saltwater from the ocean. 1. I don't trust myself and I'm afraid I might screw up the water. 2. I'm lazy. But thanks for bringing it up. I think I'm just going to make my own water than. BTW, off topic but what...
  3. echang86

    Will it work?

    I live in Arcadia. It's in the San Gabriel Valley very very close to LA
  4. echang86

    Will it work?

    I have another question. My local fish store sells Saltwater taken from the ocean. How is that vs. the mixed at home water?
  5. echang86

    Will it work?

    That looks so nice, will my tank work without the skimmer?
  6. echang86

    Will it work?

    I plan on getting my first marine setup. Will this set up work: 30 Gallon -HOB Filter -Heater -Power Head I will be keeping live sand, live rock, and some easy beginner fish. Some more questions: -Is the protein skimmer mandatory? -I was skimming through a book at the library and it had diagrams...