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  1. toymaniacs

    Stocking 75

    I have live sand, skimmer and was thinking about adding live rock also.
  2. toymaniacs

    Stocking 75

    I have a Tomato Clown, Purple Tang and 2 neon Gobies. Was wondering if i can add more fish or not. If you think so what do you think i could add? Thanks
  3. toymaniacs

    Angelfish died, why?

    I also had a Bi-Color Angel, had it for over a month. Was swimming and eating fine and the next thing you know he died. I decided not to buy another bi-color angel again.
  4. toymaniacs

    Tomato Clown

    I have a Tomato Clown that has something on his chin. It like looks like a small bubble. It doesnt seem to bother him. He is swimming fine and eating normal. He has had it for a week now. Not sure what it is. Does anybody know what it could be or what can cure it. Thanks Darren
  5. toymaniacs

    CC or Sand

    What would be the best way to change from CC to Sand. What steps would i have to do. Is it pretty much like starting all over , take out all the fish, etc and recycle the tank?