picasso trigger

  1. T

    Tank Mate for Picasso Trigger?

    Hey y'all I wanted to know opinions on different tank mates for my Picasso trigger. Right now I have a lunar wrasse, and a neon wrasse with the trigger.. I had two maroon clowns but either the lunar or the trigger ended up killing them sadly.. Now Im at a stand still with what to put in this...
  2. J

    Help! Fish mysteriously dying over the course of 4 months

    I've had a 180 gal predator FOWLR tank since 2011 with the same fish: Niger Trigger(~4.5 inches), Picasso Trigger(3 inches), Huma Trigger(1.5 inches), Clown Grouper(4 inches), and Snowflake Eel(18 inches). I keep the temp and pH at 8.2 and 76 degrees. They are fed tuna, shrimp, chopped clam, and...