0.75 gal questions


Hey all, just got my 0.75 gallon nano a few days ago and everything is doing great, but I have a few questions. First of all, I read that alot of people were taking out the filter media and replacing it with something else. Why do you take it out? Also would I be able to put a small snail in it? Ive heard some people dont think so but others do. My final question is, what kind of additives if any, should I add to the tank(I was thinking either a very small amount of phyto or coral vite). Sorry for the stupid questions, Im new to the hobby and wasnt sure what I needed to do with a tank this small.
Thanx :D


#1. I took out the carbon filter and floss filter. They will only become a breeding ground for Nitrates. I did have LR rubble in my tank but that too cause a nitrate problem so i took it out as well. I rn my filter w/ nothing in it. I use it only for water flow.
#2. I currently have 2 "blue" leg hermits and 2 snails in my tank. You might want to halve that though. Fish and shimp I would have to say no IMO. However, I've come across a couple post of people keeping sexy shrimpin it but I wouldn't.
#3. I add calcium/buffer as needed. Also I dose phyto once in a while. Typically once a week but I forget occasionally.