02 problem


I have a 140 gal DAS tank. It has just a couple small fish. I recently added a Kole tang 5 to 6 days later dead. Checked water-GOOD,Then a week or so l added a Blue tank, 5 days dead. Checked water- good. Later on added orange tang week later same thing happend. Only thing I can guess is low oxygen. I have since added a couple power heads and a skimmer. Is there a way of checking oxygen content in the water? What else could the problem be?


Please post your values it is hard to say what the problem is without that info, also how long has your tank been set up.


lawnmowwer blenny, hawkfish and just added a clown. snails, few crabs, shrooms, polyps, carnation coral


One possible problem that could be the reason Ive heard that tangs are unusually suseptable to stray currents (electrical) in tanks even when other fish are uneffected. I would loook into a grounding probe which may solve the problem. The fact that you have other fish and they are doing fine seems to lead in this direction.


I know there is a way to check dissolved oxygen in a tank but I dont know the method, you could start a post with that as the subject line. As far as the grounding probe the only thing I can think is that maybe and this is a maybe the fish was already on its way out being possibly stressed by an electrical current that it was doomed no matter what you did and you could have luck with another. The dissolved oxygen though a possibliity doesnt seem logical with the pressence of healthy living fish in you tank.


I agree but I also heard that tangs just like with electrical current are more suseptable to low oxygen. I also wonder where (if any) is the best place to put the ground probe inside your tank?


The best place to place the probe is near the equipment as the electrical current will be traveling to that point and the shorter the distance the less likely it will pass to your fish.