0bama's plan to get the hispanic vote


Active Member
"The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria such as attending school, having family in the military or are primarily responsible for other family members’ care."
Treason in my book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/387427/0bama-s-plan-to-get-the-hispanic-vote#post_3408933
"The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria such as attending school, having family in the military or are primarily responsible for other family members’ care."
Treason in my book.
So when did dereliction of duty become a surprise? Failure to uphold the oath of office? General incompetence?
Add it to the list.
So...hows that "Hope and Change" working out for ya?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Because of obama care. I want the dems to own it........for good or bad.
Currently 2500. Corporations received exceptions. When. Those end...the economic atmosphere is gonna change drastically.
Most of this bill takes effecg in 2012 and 2013: I want obama in office the following years so there will be no excuses..
By then, blame bush will be very weak arguement. By then, he will implement the greatest achievement for his presidency...and oversee its initial running.
The media will have no option but to fault the dems when this goes badly.
His...latest order regarding illegals.....the reprecussions will occur during second term.
I want those that. Ote for him to see the results of his policies and have no way to blame anyone else.......
Honestly...a second obama term, by the end would give conservatives more support than currently....if they play the cards correct.
Look at the deficit handling.....it will have tk be dealt with again in the next term.......
Darth (ownage) Tang
P.s. raise my taxes.....create new regulations. Fine. As a business owner...my quality of life will not change. I will pass the cost to my customers...and if I have to...lay off empllyees.
These regulations don't help those that need jobs...they don't hurt the corporations or business owners either.......so nothing he does...will truly affect me that much.....
People want to be selfish...its time we were selfish right with them.
So give them everything they want....just as long as they accept the reprecussions.


Active Member
Well thats about like saying you'll let someone shoot you in the genitals to prove a 12 gauge shotgun can change your sex.