

Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
I reached the 1,000 post mark!

ha haha whats really sad is that I have only been a member since august look at my post count.. its truly pathetic, but I have not much to do lately at work, and I have my laptop at work, so I am constantly in these things. IM truly addicted, but learning a whole lot more, and gawking(sp?) at pictures..


Active Member
Well that is ok to have that many posts as long as u are giving good info...and u are... but if you post in the pic section i don't believe it counts that as a post, same with the aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Well that is ok to have that many posts as long as u are giving good info...and u are... but if you post in the pic section i don't believe it counts that as a post, same with the aquarium.

oohhh well then I have a whole lot more out there then.. sheesh that is truly pathetic...


Active Member
yes beth but if i keep the trend of 34 posts a day, I will!!! its truly pathetic....but I cant help it, its either watch TV when I get home, or play on the computer, so between messing with my computer listening to music, and messing with my fish, I really have not much else to do...I am a car salesman there are times where there is absolutely nothing to do, so I play around in here..... I get some weird sense of accomplishment by posting and helping others...I think that makes sense...


Staff member
You'll probably slack off on the posts. A lot of newer members to the forums slack off after awhile; rather than spending all day here, they spend and hour or so. I find that sometimes I post a lot, and then sometimes I just take a little break. Sometimes, its not easy being the Disease Forum moderator since all I see are sad stories. But its cool to be able to help now and again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
You'll probably slack off on the posts. A lot of newer members to the forums slack off after awhile. I find that sometimes I post a lot, and then sometimes I just take a little break. Sometimes, its not easy being the Disease Forum moderator since all I see are sad stories. But its cool to be able to help now and again.
yeah i see what you mean, with my current situation id say I am getting pretty educated on the disease aspect.. I have read about 5 books, countless articles, threads(even on different sites), I have put a lot of hours into the disease aspect of fishkeeping, more so than most. and I find myself replying more to disease than anything else, and now I look through the message boards and I see the same threads started over and over again, I have gotten to the point of just putting the link to the FAQ so they can read for themselves instead of explaining it..So I can only imagine what you have to put up with...
as far as the posts, I know I will slack off, but its fun when its a new thing to do, especially when it involves something that I have such a dear passion for, it is truly a wonderful past time for me. Its funny too, I am the only one at the dealership I work for that is deep into fish keeping, I try to start conversation about it, and then immediately I am already over their heads. being 24 years old and maintaining an audience of 50+ year olds and getting the respect of knowledge that I have in this hobby.(which is far from top of the list when dealing with some on this site, truly amazing how much goes into this hobby) I am always getting questions from people at work who maintain a tank, but have no idea what they are doing, I am in the process of helping set up a 180 for my boss, He is paying me very well


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
I reached the 1,000 post mark!

Cool for you, I have a ways to go... LOL
:jumping: :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
thanx misty! and its not about getting there its about the quality of the post, that's why we here at applebee's cook ur food when it is ordered... sorry of track!


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
thanx misty! and its not about getting there its about the quality of the post, that's why we here at applebee's cook ur food when it is ordered... sorry of track!
