Originally Posted by
You'll probably slack off on the posts. A lot of newer members to the forums slack off after awhile. I find that sometimes I post a lot, and then sometimes I just take a little break. Sometimes, its not easy being the Disease Forum moderator since all I see are sad stories. But its cool to be able to help now and again.
yeah i see what you mean, with my current situation id say I am getting pretty educated on the disease aspect.. I have read about 5 books, countless articles, threads(even on different sites), I have put a lot of hours into the disease aspect of fishkeeping, more so than most. and I find myself replying more to disease than anything else, and now I look through the message boards and I see the same threads started over and over again, I have gotten to the point of just putting the link to the FAQ so they can read for themselves instead of explaining it..So I can only imagine what you have to put up with...
as far as the posts, I know I will slack off, but its fun when its a new thing to do, especially when it involves something that I have such a dear passion for, it is truly a wonderful past time for me. Its funny too, I am the only one at the dealership I work for that is deep into fish keeping, I try to start conversation about it, and then immediately I am already over their heads. being 24 years old and maintaining an audience of 50+ year olds and getting the respect of knowledge that I have in this hobby.(which is far from top of the list when dealing with some on this site, truly amazing how much goes into this hobby) I am always getting questions from people at work who maintain a tank, but have no idea what they are doing, I am in the process of helping set up a 180 for my boss, He is paying me very well