1.5 Pico Tank


I am setting up a 1.5 Pico Tank. I am just going to have really rare Zoas and Mushrooms. Could I also have just one Yellow Tail Damsel? I was also thinking about inverts, what inverts could I have?
Thanks, James


Active Member
i think the tank is way to small for the damzel so no. and inverts you can get: sexy shrimp, fire shrimp etc.. thats what i will get. but dont get the damzel


Active Member
Originally Posted by BoneSnapper
I am setting up a 1.5 Pico Tank. I am just going to have really rare Zoas and Mushrooms. Could I also have just one Yellow Tail Damsel? I was also thinking about inverts, what inverts could I have?
Thanks, James
might be able to get away with a flaming "prawn" goby or two... they are pretty sedentary and only get 3/4 inch.
In my .5g aquavase by decoart. I had a branching hammer, zoas, mushrooms, cloves and it didn't look REALLY packed either. I did it all with the 7200k 7w light that came with it too. had one scarlet hermit, 2 astreas, 2 bumblebee snails for CUC. I attached the base of the light to the bottom of the tank to bring the bulb closer to the surface of the water. The lighting looked good too and I had to frag the branching hammer alot lol.


Thanks for the responses. I think I am going to frag my torch and try it in the pico. Thanks for the info also, I think I have a 7 watt light as well.


Active Member
No fish definitely and I wouldn't add a fire shrimp either, their whiskers get pretty long. Sexy shrimp would be cool as would a pom pom crab