1 Clown wont eat


I just recently got 2 big pecular clowns....My tank has been up for 7 weeks, 45 lbs of lr and 1 damsel. 125 gallon fwlro. Anyways, I have been feeding them formula 1 and 2 flakes, formula 1 crushed up pellets. The one clown seems excited about eating but he usually spits the first couple out and then stops trying to eat. I have only had him 4 days. The other one is eating a lot better. The one that doesnt eat is a lighter orange, but he came that way. He is swimming ok. He looks ok, he is not skinny or anything. Should I be worried, or what should I do?


All you can do is see what happens or try soaking the food in some type of enhancer like garlic or zoe or selcon. I've had to entice new fish by first getting them to eat live brine once they start they usually won't stop even if you switch back to flakes after a couple of days. Good luck.