1 fish or 5 months how do i add the second?


Hello i have a 55 gallon reef. The tank is about 2 years old and all i have is one Anthia. I plan on adding another fish but am scared to because the anthia has been the sole owner of the entire tank for over 5 months. (other fish were traded in for inverts cause i like inverts better :) Does anyone think that i will have a problem with my anthia being agressive towards the new fish. I am expecting to get a wrasse (if the fishstore can get it)
Anyone have any tips on adding the new fish other than maybe feed right before and then have the lights off?


it was labled pink anthia i've tried to figure out what kind it really is. It has a pinkish orange line bordering the back of it's tail and a pinkish coloring. basic pink anthias


i would not be worried
especailly if you gettin a lil more on the agressive side like a royal gramma they handle a bully prettty well and will set whats fair