1 Month Old 90 Gallon Reef


Active Member
Here are some pics of my 90 gallon reef. I started it like 3 months ago but then I knew I was moving so I didn't add anything to it, all I had then was the Favites in the upper right hand corner. Comments Welcomed!!!!!


ledzep fan

Active Member
That is a amazing tank! I think I found all your tangs. yellow tang, blue hippo tang, achilles tang and a cheveron tang. I'm I right? B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L tank

The Zep


Active Member
Yup I got those 4 tangs, 1 tomato clown, 1 scooter blennie and a mandarin dragon. I want to keep my fish load towards the smaller to medium size for my tank, I feel it will work out better in the long run. However I also have 2 cleaner shrimps, I may get more of those in the future and I also have a bunch or blue leg hermt crabs and one monster emerald crab.
Thanks for the response.


Active Member
wow shane everywhere i post u post. but anyways nice tank. the hippo makes a good addition


Active Member
my moms but if u want a swap i can see if my mom can take me over to my dads where my tank is


Active Member
I put them in a week ago how long before the zos begin to spread and is there anything I can do to encourage it?


Active Member
Tank looks very clean and pretty! I hope your filtration is just as big as your display tank! 4 Tangs plus the 3 other fish in a 90gal, that is asking for trouble. Your bioload is HIGH not low to medium. Most of your tangs would/should grow to over 14" a piece when mature, do the math of inches per gallon. IMO
Your corals do look nice though.


Active Member
I don't really worry about fish outgrowing the tank to much because I’m very tight with my LFS so I can always trade them in for others. The filtration is a 40 gallon wet dry, a 25W U.V. sterilizer and a nautilus te skimmer which I am very happy with. I also do a 20% water change at a minimum of every 2 weeks. I also must mention that the fish are smaller than they appear in the pics. My water parameters are always great but I think that it's really because there is a 180lb of lr in the tank. The only thing I want to upgrade are my lights I know they are not suffice for the corals I have in there now, however I am hearing that Metal Halides may heat my water too much since they would only rest about 4 inches away from the water due to my canopy being to small. Do you think with 2 400W bulbs my water would get too hot? I am planning on putting in 2 fans in each end of the canopy at a total of 4.


Active Member
4inches is still too close to the surface. You can't modify the canopy to where you could hang the lights? I promise you with or without the fans 400watts of lighting will be HOT.. I have 2-250 and 1-150w Mh with 120watts of pc over my 110gal reef and have a fan blowing on the top and bottom and still gets a little warm 82 and summer hasn't even started. eeeekk!


Active Member
How would I modify the canopy maybe add a piece on top? Like mount the retro kit to another piece of wood that would rest over my canopy. Like sort of making a wooden fixture only it would match the color canopy when it rested on top and it would be made out of wood too. Just a thought I wonder what mods people on the board have done to make this work.


Active Member
If they would be mounted int he canopy I can get 4 inches maybe 4 1/2 but that would be pushing it. If I went outside the canopy I could get 8 easily. I think I want to go outside the canopy. Here is a pic of the top of my canopy it has glass tops I can leave them on to protect the bulbs from water.