1 Peacock Mantis Shrimp Available


Staff member
Anyone interested can find the item under Shrimp in the Saltwaterfish.com Store. It is more than 4" long and the diameter is roughly the size of a half dollar. It is huge and incredibly colored! Mantis Shrimp like this need to be kept in a species only tank.


New Member
I would love to see the picture of it but every time I try to go into it it says there is an error with the page. Any help on this one? I would love to do a species only with the mantis shrimp. Thanks Robin


New Member
Would it be possible for you to send me a picture of this Peacock Mantis Shrimp. Everytime I try to get into the picture it says there is an error. Thanks


New Member
Whats the deal with these things? They get huge or what? I don't know anything about them, somebody give me some dirt on them please.


The dirt on these things?
<a href="http://www.blueboard.com/mantis/" target="_blank">The Lurkers Guide to Stomatopods</a>
It has been posted many times before. But, its a great site.
The unexperienced say things like "Mantis shrimp are a terrible nuisance and pest, very dangerous, and are to be exterminated immediatly."
The educated say things like "The mantis shrimp is a beautiful, exotic, unique and precious critter that is to be treated with the upmost respect." Did you know its strike is one of the fastest measured movements in nature