1" SCWD head loss

Anyone with a 1" SCWD want to venture a guess as to how much head loss there is with it. I know the 3/4" SCWD seems to suffer from 60gph head loss. Just trying to figure out what size return pump to get.


It depends on what kind of pump you have. Some pumps have more head pressure than volume. Other pumps have more volume than pressure. If I were to guess, a 1" SCWD would have about an 80 to 90gph head loss. It's not much to notice a difference in the system.
Thanks. I'll be using it with 3/4" penductors so my initial thought was to go with a pressure rated pump. Here's a terrible MS Paint drawing of my proposed setup. On another forum they said the pump I chose (Iwaki 55) would be too powerful so I am contemplating an Eheim 3000+ now.
75-gal display, 40 breeder sump (approx. 26-gal in use due to baffles).
I'm definitely going with a 1" SCWD so I can open it and clean it from time to time.
Here's an email from 3iQ:
Thank you for your interest in SCWD. We currently do not have the flow rates listed on our web site. Allow me some time to get them and forward to you. I have copied a switching rate chart for the 1" SCWD, below. The head loss is close to that of a 1" 90 degree elbow. Hope this helps.
Switching Rate GPH
30 seconds 3500
55 seconds 1800
80 seconds 1200
120 seconds 900
155 seconds 720