Originally Posted by FishyGurl
I also have a 72 gal. Bowfront but mine is a drilled (i dont think yours was from the pictures?)
I just want to know what fish you put in their and how many inverts you have like how many snail,crabs,shrimp,starfish,etc. You have or are planning on getting.
What type of filtration stuff do you have and what lights?
My tank is not drilled, I have a yellow tang , a blue hippo tang, a false perc clown, to true perc clowns that are mated, a blue green chromis, and a bicolor blenny, I have 1 sand sifting star, 1 black sea urchant, 1 pepermint shrimp, about 20 algea hernmit crabs(blue leg), 2 turbo snails. I dont plan on adding anything more to this tank, It is my belief with a coral (reef tank) that you shouldnt keep anymore fish than 1 per 10 gallons,(seems to work very well for me. Also have about 15 different coral, and have about 100lbs of live rock along with a 10 gallon refugium tank. A euro reef skimmer, a tide pool 2 filter box, numerous pumps and power heads, about 140 lbs? of live sand. My lighting is 2x250 hqi metal halide 15k xm bulbs. That box on the back you see is a skilter that I only use to circulate the water to get a nice shimmer on the water, as a skimmer it is worthless.