10 days?


Active Member
i started my 45 gallon tank 10 days ago, and still no signs of cycling:eek: . ive added 15 lbs of live rock, and the shrimp. no sign of ammonia, or nitrites yet. my ph is 8.0, and my salinity is 1.021 at 78-80 degrees. i was thinking maybe i should stop my wet/dry and let the ammonia build up? or would this just stop my cycle once i put it back on. i know i have to be patient, but isnt this really long, just to see the first signs of my cycel?:confused: any info or ideas would be great.

who dey

Active Member
more lr and maybe a damsel. take him back after the cycle, they suck, but they will live through your ammonia spikes


New Member
What is your substrait??? I have a 40h and about 40-50 pounds of lr. I would recomend getting a bag of live sand as well. I did and in a few days I had copods clinging to glass{good sign of life}. Also good food source for a few species. The brand I used was agri-alive available at most lfs. 20 to 30 bucks Good Luck. Also my tank is fairly new as well 2 months and going great but not much growth on lr yet, in some places good others none at all.


Active Member
If you have dead shrimp in there, why would a damsel be better? A rotting dead shrimp produces more ammonia than a damselfish...


Active Member
the shrimp did nuthing, u think i should add another? what about shuting off my filters?