10 g reef


New Member
i am brand new at a saltwater tank. i have bought a 10g tank and was wondering how hard is it to maintain a reef tank. any comment will be appreciated thanks.

aztec reef

Active Member
welcome, yes it is a lot harder than fresh water i can asure you that. when going salt water the bigger tank you get the better. but since you have a 10g tank you can try a nano with a few shrooms & polyps, it's possible but it's gonna take a little work from you. the main goal is to keep optimal water quality at all times. Do as much research as you can and ask questions before you go spending. :happyfish


Bigger is better. The biger the tank is the slower the perameters change = easier to take care of. I think most ppl would agree w/ me. I started w/ a 55gal like alot of other ppl, but am now ready to upgrade, maybey a 90gal. I would go bigger but dont have the room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SUV
Bigger is better. The biger the tank is the slower the perameters change = easier to take care of. I think most ppl would agree w/ me. I started w/ a 55gal like alot of other ppl, but am now ready to upgrade, maybey a 90gal. I would go bigger but dont have the room.

i for one would agree with you


Do it, at least try it. It's great to get a 55gallon and start from there, but the money for lights/rocks/inverts/fish can quickly add up. Where as a 10gal, if things don't go well, or you don't like it as much, not that big of a deal. Read up on everything, start on the easy stuff and ask questions. If you're patient and work at it, you can have a nice little nano tank.
Just no Tangs....for now....
the advantage of a small,nano, aquarium is start up $cash$ and space issues.
but the stability is much harder to maintain.
imagine a water change on a 20 gallon.
5 gallon bucket
small amount of salt
besides mixing over night, 30 minutes tops
now a 120 gallon...
30 gallon tub
larger amount salt $$$$
space to mix, and more time, $ involved
as with everything in this hobby it boils down to what you want..
what do you want to keep?
i have personally never gone over 40 gallons due to space issues, but have kept several smaller aquariums,
hope i could help.


10% every week. I personaly don"t think it's to much more work than my fresh water I keep with my 14g nano. The only thing I think is "harder" is feeding and keeping up on your water quality. Make sure you use RO water!