10 g


New Member
:confused: what is the best setup I could make wilth a 10 gallon tank, and what filter would I need and what fish:happyfish


Active Member
This all really depends on what YOU want. You could have a FO, FOWLR, or reef tank. If you want just fish, then I would get perhaps a pair of clownfish. If you want fish with live rock, you could get a fish or two and some inverts. Reef systems require a lot more work since you'd need proper lighting and more specific water parameters. Soft corals are the easiest of the corals to take care of because they're usually hardier than others. They also require less light.
What exactly are you looking for in a tank? Do you just want fish or would you like corals and other things as well? It would help us help you if you were a bit more specific. =)
As for a filter, I would choose one that's within your budget. Usually, if it's more expensive, it is of higher quality. Many people use Whisper power filters with no problems. They aren't too costly and seem to get the job done. :)


New Member
:thinking: first of all I would like hermitcrabs then maybe a Green Mandarin Goby or Bicolor Blenny
Clown Goby - Green
Green Mandarin Dragonet


Active Member
The Green Mandarin won't work in your tank. They need mass amounts of live rock and grow to be pretty big. The bicolor blenny would do well. You could add another small fish if you'd like. Perhaps something like a green clown goby. =)